Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World's Strangest Parrot

Image result for kakapo rescue saving the world's strangest parrot

Montgomery, Sy. 2010. Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot. Photos by Nic Bishop. Bostom, MA: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children. ISBN 978061849170
Plot Summary
Sy Montgomery and Nic Bishop make a visit to Codfish Island located off the coast of New Zealand. Montgomery and Bishop visit 91 Kakapo parrots that are facing the possibility of extinction. With the help of fourteen volunteers, they worked closely as scientists and researchers to restore the Kakapo parrot family. The story of the largest and unusual bird explains the perseverance the volunteers had to increase their population.

Critical Analysis
 To create a storyline for their Kakapo rescue, Montgomery shares primary information as she immerses herself into Codfish Island and becoming an expert on the parrot. Montgomery provides on-site observations as well as research that creates a storyline capturing readers into a plight that is occurring. Montgomery provides a range of information varying from the biology of the bird, the mating season, and technological tools used to assist in caring for the Kakapo parrots. Montgomery allows readers to immerse themselves into the situation, and have a first-hand look at the island and parrots.

Montgomery includes a detailed index that assists in finding terms and navigating back to the pages for specific information. Along with that, a bibliography of background information utilized in the book is provided along side the research they found while visiting Codfish Island. This enhances the accuracy and credibility of their research.

The photographs taken by Nic Bishop are colorful photographs and share images of their journey. Each photograph is vibrant and depicts the beauty of Codfish Island while sharing the urgency of saving the Kakapo parrots. Bishop includes different perspectives of the Kakapo parrot, and conveys emotion while sharing photographs of the baby chick. The photographs allow readers to see field-based science and experience the island visually as well as through text.
Review Excerpts and Awards
2011 Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal
2011 Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children recommended
2011 ALA Notable Children’s book

From Booklist: “Montgomery’s delight in her subject is contagious, and throughout her enthusiastic text, she nimbly blends scientific and historical facts with immediate, sensory descriptions of fieldwork.”

From School Library Journal: “Excellent photos and a readable, conversational text provide an intimate look at a concerted effort to save a drastically endangered species unfamiliar to most of the world outside Down Under.”

Other books by Sy Montgomery and photographs by Nic Bishop
The Tarantula Scientist
The Snake Scientist
Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea

Connections in the classroom
Explore different birds that are in danger of being extinct. Create appropriate solutions on ways we can increase their population.

Create your own informational story book utilizing photographs taken by the student, and information about an animal of their interest. Students can pair their photographs with text to create a sequential story.

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